Is Control Really a Illusion?
We've all heard someone talk about how control is an illusion. It is even in talked about in movies. I may be dating myself, but I can picture a scene from Days of Thunder where Nicole Kidman is yelling at Tom Cruise about this. But just because it is said and thought to be true by people, and maybe even generally accepted to be true, does that make it true? You can ask this same question for anything. It may be a good practice to get into, instead of accepting things at face value. I'm not saying that the idea of control is right or wrong, true or false. I'm just asking the question is it. Like many or even most things in life, it depends. One of the main reasons people say you can't control things is in relation to life circumstances. So many things in our day to day lives are indeed out of our control. Traffic lights, other drivers, screaming babies, lines at the DMV or airport security, the weather. I could go on and on, but you get the picture, and have more...