The danger of should
As I have gotten more involved in life coaching thoughts and activities, I have come to see one thought come out more often than any other. The thought is "I should/shouldn't ..." I believe this thought, more than any other, causes us to become victims of shame and to feel unworthy, unlovable, and less than capable. Our brains are very good at protecting us from harm and dangers that are real. The problem is, they can't discriminate between a real danger and a perceived danger. "Should" thinking, to the brain, is a perceived danger. When we start telling ourselves we should or should not do this or that, we are setting ourselves up for a physiologic danger response. This is one problem with this type of thinking. Another problem is our brains trick us into thinking this kind of thinking is truth. We all have patterns of thinking that are not true. These patterns are called cognitive distortions. Our brains distort what is real, and tell us a message that...